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EECM Donated Items Wishlist

Lauren Boyle

Updated: Jan 26, 2021

We are committed to staying open and distributing essential meals and groceries to vulnerable individuals during the COVID-19 situation. Our services are needed now more than ever, but we need help to keep up with the increased demand for our services.

Please consider helping out by donating food and goods to EECM. If you need some guidance, listed below are our greatest needs at this moment.


  1. Canned tomato sauce

  2. Spaghetti and macaroni pasta

  3. Instant mashed potatoes

  4. Canned soups

  5. Canned fruits in water

  6. Oatmeal and whole grain cereals

  7. Mac & Cheese boxes

  8. White and brown rice


  1. Ziploc bags, any size

  2. Napkins

  3. Paper towels

  4. Brown paper bags, for bagged lunches

  5. Take out boxes

  6. 60 gallon trash bags

We can accept donations at EECM from 8AM-2:30PM, Monday-Friday, at the loading dock on the Harvard Street side of Community House. Ring the bell outside of the door for assistance. Call Nikki Baverso, Community Nutrition Services Manager & Chef at 412-345-7140 for any questions regarding donations.

Please note that EECM WILL NOT ACCEPT expired or opened food items.

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