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Have a Heart for Hunger 2018


Updated: Jan 26, 2021

Have a Heart for Hunger Logo

EECM will hold its annual Have a Heart for Hunger Campaign through February and March. Every dollar donated has five times the purchasing power! 

The campaign supports our mission to create a community of opportunity in Pittsburgh and to instill hope in all who experience EECM and helps fund our Community Nutrition Services Program, providing:

-Groceries to over 450 food pantry clients and community lunch participants per month, totaling over 50,000lbs of food per month

-Over 73,000 meals a year for our shelter residents and free, daily community lunch for anyone in need


“If it wasn’t for your lunch program, I would go hungry most of the day. The fruit and sandwiches I get to take home help so much. Thank you very much for everything all of you do!” -Suzie, 47

“Even though I have a job, I still don’t make enough to make all my ends meet. EECM’s food pantry provides me and my family with food to take some of the stress of having to worry where to get that extra helping hand to provide a decent meal for my family, to last every month.” -Teresa, 55

“This pantry has been a great help to me. Each month it helps me stretch my meals- food stamps alone are not enough.” -Annette, 58

Community Nutrition Services requires $3,000 per day to operate:

$500 provides 50 people a week’s worth of hot meals at Community Lunch

$200 provides a year’s worth of groceries for one family

$50 provides over $250 worth of food

Give the gift of hope and donate today to the Have Heart for Hunger Campaign.

*We are able to keep our costs so low because of donors like you. Thank you!

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