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Pittsburgh Foundation Matches Your Gift on Tuesday, December 8


Updated: Jan 26, 2021

The Pittsburgh Foundation is launching their second Critical Needs Alert for #homelessness on Tuesday, December 8. A dollar-for-dollar match on all gifts of $25 or more will support EECM’s IMPACTS (Homeless and Housing) Program. opens at 8am on Tuesday, December 8. Double the power of your gift by giving to EECM through the portal and provide homeless men and women with their needs for today and hope for tomorrow.

Here’s how your gift helps: $55 provides one night of emergency shelter for one client $100 provides two hours of behavioral health support for one client $200 provides one month of stipends for a student in the Education & Employment program $525 provides one week of shelter, food, and support for a Bridge Housing resident $1000 provides a month of rent, utilities, and supportive services for one family in Penn Free Housing

It costs $6293 per day to run ALL of our shelter, housing, and education and employment programs. While we’ve been greatly impacted by the state budget crisis we are committed to serving homeless men and women in our area, and have been self-funding to do so. We need your help to fill the gap.

With your support, doubled by The Pittsburgh Foundation, we can continue to fight the ravages of homelessness and poverty, while helping homeless men and women realize their greatest potential.

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