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Summer Day Camp is a success – again!


Updated: Jan 26, 2021

Bowling, biking, and swimming are just a few of the activities that children enjoyed at EECM’s Summer Day Camp this year. As always, it was an eventful five weeks filled with summer fun and most of all God’s love. This year, EECM’s Summer Day Camp Registration exploded, reaching full capacity (200 campers!) in record time, and even requiring a waiting list.

The large size of the group hindered neither counselors nor campers from having an awesome summer experience! Counselors as well as campers had the opportunity to experience and witness personal developments, achievements, and overall growth. We could go on and on about the bonds that were built or strengthened, about children who came out of their shell, tried something new, learned an important lesson, or became leaders.

Though it may not be clear looking from the outside in, to the parents, friends, and families of the campers these developments and achievements became all too obvious, when their child took to the stage for the grand finale of Day Camp: production night. A dancer who didn’t think she could act captured the audience in the lead female role. A young man who didn’t like to interact with his peers broke out of his shell on stage. A young man with severe behavioral struggles pulled it together and was able to focus himself to play his role in the show. A long-time camper was a break-out leader behind the set, encouraging and inspiring her fellow campers. These are just a few success stories of the campers we worked with this summer, and there are many more to share. These campers may not know it yet, but these camp days will be the ones which they will always remember, that they keep with them, and the ones which they will draw from as they grow older. How great it is to watch and be a part of the creators plan as it manifests!

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